Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wasteful and Disgusting

We have seen example after example of greed in corporate America, even as the standard of living in the country is going down for at least the next decade. Of course, there have always been greedy, egotistical politicians, but lately corporate pigs have been an easier target. Today, we got a reminder that lack of moral leadership is alive and well in Washington, providing the perfect example for corporate pigs to follow.
Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania apparently feels that it is his duty to take taxpayer funds and waste them on an airport named after him in his Congressional district. His defense of this monumental waste is that the aiport is a lure for companies to relocate there, thus increasing economic activity in his district. Never mind the fact that the airport is hundreds of miles from any major business center and handles an average of twenty people on any given day. The airport has three daily flights, all of which go to Washington, DC. I guess this is in case Rep. Murtha ever wants to make three round trips to DC and back in one day.
It's no wonder that Americans' faith in government continues to evaporate. I would love to ask Rep. Murtha, how much federal funding have you secured to improve the schools in your district? Do you feel that diverting taxpayer money to your namesake airport is more important than making sure that every person in your district has a decent shot at living the now nearly bankrupt American dream? If you made the average salary of the residents in your district, would you be upset at the amount of money being spent with no positive economic impact whatsoever?
Even when the arrogance of this man is exposed he displays no remorse. There is no better indicator of lack of character. And this man has served 19 terms in Congress. The people of his district are just as much to blame for the existence of this economic black hole. This is the main reason that wasteful bureaucracy has allowed to proliferate to such a degree. Shame on every one of us.

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