Friday, March 23, 2012

Welcome Back OWS!!!!!

I predicted the Occupy movement would be a significant force this spring. They are already making their presence felt and I couldn't be happier. There is nothing that America needs more than a loud voice raised in protest. The mainstream media comfortably predicted the demise of OWS when it started to get cold, but I knew the return of spring would mean the return of healthy, constructive protest. The only thing that makes these protests unruly is the shameful behavior of the NYPD. Take the gates down on Wall Street and let the marchers move freely. You disgrace yourselves and contradict the spirit on which America was founded by restricting movement. The protesters have declared their peaceful intentions and are invoking the principles of Gandhi. The egos of the NYPD are preventing them from seeing things clearly.

The status quo badly needs to be shaken up. Thirty years of deregulation have completely destroyed faith in government and corporate governance. The continuation of such policies and attitudes would be just fine with the Wall Street crowd. They move well within the corrupt corridors of power. They wouldn't know how to do business in completely honest fashion. That doesn't provide enough of an adrenaline rush for their collective egos. The resignation of Greg Smith from Goldman Sachs provides indisputable evidence of that.

So welcome back Occupy Wall Street. Please rouse America from its self imposed state of apathy. By the time the dog days of summer are upon us, the movement will be impossible to ignore. I hope Occupy movements make themselves felt in every corner of this once great nation during this election year. They are absolutely essential to restore a sense of transparency in both public and private governance. Please be careful. Policeman across the country are sure to embarass themselves and all of us because they choose to swim against the tide of history.

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